Here's a cool thing: I'm giving the keynote speech at the BYU Honors Banquet and Ball at the end of the month!
BYU is my alma mater, of course, and I was part of the Honors Program there as an undergraduate. I generally enjoyed my experience with the Honors Program, and I'm looking forward to sharing some things I've learned as I've progressed in my writing career with the current generation. Delivering a full-blown keynote speech is a first for me, and I'm both honored and very excited to tackle the challenge. If you're curious, my presentation will include most of, but probably not all of, and likely won't be limited to, some of the following:
- "Non-Stop" from Hamilton (will I be performing it??? maybe*...!!!)
- References to THE WAR OF ART by Stephen Pressfield 

- Various Buffy the Vampire Slayer references (who am I kidding, this might be ALL my keynote is...)

- References to MINDSET by Carol Dweck

- Me with long hair on BYU campus

- The answer to life, the universe, and everything

- Various relevant high school basketball and college ballroom dance anecdotes--possibly including a demonstration of the fact that my hips ABSOLUTELY DO NOT LIE, YA'LL

- Something about Magic Johnson?

- How the Chaos Queen Quintet series ends

- References to OUTLIERS by Malcolm Gladwell

- Me wearing very red shoes

- And much, much more (or, alternatively, much much less?)!- Various Buffy the Vampire Slayer references (who am I kidding, this might be ALL my keynote is...)

That may or may not be the very outline I use for the keynote. Attend at your own risk, I guess. But I think it'll be fun!