Friday, June 29, 2018

A Tour Completed

The Witchy Winter/Blood Requiem Tour has come to an end!

When all was said and done, over nine days we did eight full events at independent bookstores and signed books at thirty-nine Barnes & Nobles throughout the west! Our days basically consisted of waking up, driving, stopping at every Barnes & Noble we could find along the way, driving some more, doing an event, sleeping, and then starting all over. (The one exception was Sunday, which we took as a writing day.)

Dave Butler, in addition to being a brilliant writer, is also a great traveling companion, and we had many an enlightening, productive, ridiculous, and hilarious conversation along the way.

It was awesome. Also, exhausting. But mostly awesome.

Here are the tweets about (most of, but not all!) the bookstores and events we hit up along the way. I'm not saying they're exciting (they get repetitive), but if you want to know about signed Chaos Queen/Witchy War books near you, you might find some here!

(Also, for any folks in the Las Vegas and St. George areas, we're planing a brief epilogue to our tour where we'll do some events in both of those locations, likely in mid September. Keep your eyes open for more info about that!)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Reading/Signing in Anchorage, Alaska!

Hey folks!

If you're in the Anchorage, Alaska area, I'll be doing an event at the Anchorage Barnes & Noble on 14 July, 6-8 PM! I'll do a reading, answer some questions, and of course sign books. It'll be fun.


Also, turns out Duskfall is a staff pick at this particular B&N, so that's neat!

(I grew up in the Anchorage area, so none of this is particularly surprising, but all very cool nonetheless!)

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

BLOOD REQUIEM Audiobook on sale now!

It took a bit longer than anticipated, but the audio for Blood Requiem is finally available from Recorded Books! I haven't had the chance to listen to it yet, but if it's anything like the first two, Adam Verner has nailed it. Check it out on Amazon or on Audible!

Monday, June 11, 2018


Hey ya'll!

In a follow up to the Witchy Eye/Dark Immolation book tour last year, the follow-up Witchy Winter/Blood Requiem book tour is officially happening, starting this Friday!

The brilliant Dave Butler and I will once again be touring with our newest books, Witchy Winter and Blood Requiemrespectively. You've heard enough about Blood Requiem around here recently, but if you haven't heard of Witchy Winter (sequel to the groundbreaking Witchy Eye), I highly recommend it! Check out the blurb:

Sarah Calhoun paid a hard price for her entry onto the stage of the Empire’s politics, but she survived. Now she rides north into the Ohio and her father’s kingdom, Cahokia. To win the Serpent Throne, she’ll have to defeat seven other candidates, win over the kingdom’s regent, and learn the will of a hidden goddessβ€”while mastering her people’s inscrutable ways and watching her own back.

In New Orleans, a new and unorthodox priest arises to plague the chevalier and embody the curse of the murdered Bishop Ukwu. He battles the chevalier’s ordinary forces as well as a troop of Old World mamelukes for control of the city and the mouth of the great Mississippi River. Dodging between these rival titans, a crew of Catalan piratesβ€”whose captain was once a close associate of Mad Hannah Pennβ€”grapples with the chevalier over the fate of one of their mates.

Meanwhile, a failed ceremony and a sick infant send the Anishinaabe hunter Ma’iingan on a journey across the Empire to Cavalier Johnsland, to a troubled foster child named Nathaniel. Ma’iingan is promised that Nathaniel is a mighty healer and can save his imperiled baby, but first Nathanielβ€”a pale young man with a twisted ear who hears the voices of unseen beingsβ€”must himself be rescued, from oppression, imprisonment, and madness.
Dave and I will be traipsing around the western United States promoting our books in any way possible. You'll see each of our official stops below, but we'll also hit up just about every other bookstore we can on our way around, signing their stock and meeting folks.

It's gonna be great. If you're in any of the following areas, come see us!

Friday 15 June 7:00 PM (MST) - The Rediscovered Bookshop
Boise, ID

Saturday 16 June 2:00 PM (PDT) - The University Bookstore
Seattle, WA

Monday 18 June 7:00 PM (PDT) - Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing
Portland, OR

Tuesday 19 June 3:00 PM (PDT) - Reader's Guide
Salem, OR

Tuesday 19 June 7:00 PM (PDT) - The Book Bin
Salem, OR

Wednesday 20 June 6:00 PM (PDT) - Borderlands
San Francisco, CA

Thursday 21 June 7:30 PM (PDT) - Mysterious Galaxy Books
San Diego, CA

Friday 22 June 8:00 PM (PDT) - Flintridge Bookstore and Coffeehouse
Flintridge, CA

Tuesday, June 05, 2018


My third book comes out today!

It's available in print and in ebook, and the audio version should be up soon as well.

In case you're new around here, Blood Requiem is the third book in the Chaos Queen Quintet, a dark epic fantasy series I'm writing. If you like Mistborn, The Wheel of Time, or A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones), these books are right up your alley. The series will consist of five books total, and I'm already halfway through book 4 (due out in 2019, and book 5 in 2020).

Writing these books is an amazing, humbling process and one of the coolest things I've ever done. I have an awesome agent, a great publisher, and a fantastic support group of family, friends, fellow authors, and fans.

Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you like this installment as much as I do. :-D

Here's the blurb:

The Nine Daemons are on the rise.
Once believed dead and gone, Daemons have found a way back into the world. But he only people who can withstand their assault are spread across the face of the Sfaera.
Free at last from the influence of assassins and emperors alike, the psimancer Winter sails back to her hometown--only to find a new trouble stirring. Meanwhile, the heretic sisters Jane and Cinzia Oden are beset by supernatural attacks. And soon their allies, the vampire-girl Astrid and the former assassin Knot, must face the terrifying Black Matron.
As new battles are fought, the Daemons creep ever closer to freedom, and the legend of the Chaos Queen may soon be made anew. 

Monday, June 04, 2018

FEUER STUNDE: Book 2 is out in Germany!

I missed posting about this on Friday, but book 2 of the Chaos Queen Quintet (Die Chroniken der Sphaera) came out in Germany on 1 June!

Knaur has done a wonderful job with the production of the books over there--the covers are awesome, and the maps are gorgeous.

If you're in Germany or speak German, pick up a copy!