Thursday, November 29, 2018

RIP MoviePass

This is old news for me, but I wanted to say that I cancelled my MoviePass back in September. It was a bittersweet day: bitter because at one point in time MoviePass had been such a delightful, awesome product for me, and it no longer was that delightful, awesome product; and sweet, because dealing with the MoviePass company, app, and CEO had become increasingly difficult and annoying, and the idea of just dropping it sounded wonderful.

So I did. (And, fortunately, had no trouble cancelling my subscription, as many other people reported.)

For the most part, I'm happy about that decision. I certainly miss seeing so many movies, but because of the new (and constantly changing and unclear) rules of MoviePass--and the fact that I've been finishing books, having babies (erm, have I not mentioned that yet? It's a thing. I'll tell you more about it later.), etc.--I wouldn't have seen that many movies, at least through MoviePass, recently anyway.

If you're unfamiliar with some of the craziness surrounding MoviePass, check out this timeline.

And, while I'm sure the video below is not literally accurate, it certainly captures the emotional essence of the MoviePass struggle.

Sigh. Sweet MoviePass, you were fun while you lasted. And while you were sane.

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