Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Signed Copies of Chaos Queen books all over Utah

I traveled around to all the Barnes & Noble bookstores in the area yesterday, signing all the copies of Chaos Queen books they had. It was nice to get out and about, and nice to see that each of the stores carried at least my first book, if not books 2 and 3 in the series as well. (Incidentally, Sandy was the only store to have all three, but I also requested each store order copies of the books, and I'll do a  follow-up post probably in January when I get around to sign those copies, too.)

Unfortunately, my mini-tour is down to eight bookstores this year instead of the nine I hit up last year--the B&N at the Gateway in SLC closed recently. That's sad news, but not new news, and while it doesn't bode well, my hope is still that B&N can keep its head above water and do well as a business. (It only helps me, after all.)

Oh, and I slipped some postcards and stickers in each of the books I signed, including promotional material for book 4 in the series, Fear the Stars, that features the upcoming book's gorgeous cover. Get on that while you can! And if you're in the area and looking for a last-minute holiday gift, hit up one of these bookstores and give your friends/fams/whoevers some Chaos Queen goodness!




[I also stopped at the B&N in Bountiful, but the manager I spoke with there bought up the copy of Book 1 I signed--hopefully he enjoyed it, and there should be more on the way!]


West Jordan


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